AbstractGraphWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
An abstract base class for exporting a control flow graph to various output formats.
AbstractGraphWriter(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
Creates a new GraphWriter object.
AbstractGraphWriter(Graph, VertexIDProvider, VertexLabelProvider, EdgeIDProvider, EdgeLabelProvider) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
Creates a new GraphWriter object.
AbstractTreeWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
An abstract base class for exporting a control flow tree to various output formats.
AbstractTreeWriter(List<Tree>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
Creates a new TreeWriter object for the given control flow trees.
addConstraint(double[], int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Adds an equality equation (i.e., row) to the ILP equation matrix.
addConstraint(double[], int) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Adds an equality equation (i.e., row) to the ILP equation matrix.
addConstraint(double[], int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Adds an equality equation (i.e., row) to the ILP equation matrix.
addInequalityConstraint(double[], int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Adds an inequality equation (i.e., row) to the ILP equation matrix.
addInequalityConstraint(double[], int) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Adds an inequality equation (i.e., row) to the ILP equation matrix.
addInequalityConstraint(double[], int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Adds an inequality equation (i.e., row) to the ILP equation matrix.
AnalysisStrategy - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra
A common interface for various WCET analysis strategies.
AnnotationLoopBoundStrategy - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop
This strategy determines the maximum number of iterations of a loop by reading annotation data that has been inserted manually by the author of the loop.
AnnotationLoopBoundStrategy() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.AnnotationLoopBoundStrategy
Creates a new AnnotationLoopBoundStrategy object.
asList() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Vertex
Due to type checking restrictions, the Arrays.asList(T...


BasicBlock - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents a sequence of bytecode instructions with at most one branch.
BasicBlock(Graph, Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
Creates a new BasicBlock object.
BasicBlock(Graph, Node, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
Creates a new BasicBlock object.
BLACK_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
block - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
body - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop


CacheMiss - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents an instruction cache miss.
CacheMiss(Graph, Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.CacheMiss
Creates a new CacheMiss object.
Cascade - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade
This is the main class for the Cascade tool.
Cascade(List<String>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Creates a new Cascade object.
Cascade(String) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Creates a new Cascade object.
clearCache() - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
FIXME: This is a quick fix for a problem that occurs when a class is analyzed by Volta, then modified and recompiled, and finally analyzed again (without exiting the VM in which Volta is running).
Clepsydra - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra
This is the main class for the Clepsydra tool.
Clepsydra(List<String>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
Creates a new Clepsydra object.
Clepsydra(String) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
Creates a new Clepsydra object.
colorized - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
compile(String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.Compiler
Runs the compiler.
Compiler - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util
Invokes a given Java compiler on a given source file.
Compiler(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.Compiler
Creates a new Compiler object.
CompilerException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util
The Compiler class throws this exception when it encounters a problem.
CompilerException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.CompilerException
Creates a new CompilerException object with the specified detail message.
CompilerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.CompilerException
Creates a new CompilerException object with the specified detail message and cause.
createProblem(int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Initializes an ILP problem whose equation matrix will contain the specified number of columns (i.e., variables).
createProblem(int) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Initializes an ILP problem whose equation matrix will contain the specified number of columns (i.e., variables).
createProblem(int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Initializes an ILP problem whose equation matrix will contain the specified number of columns (i.e., variables).


destroyProblem() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Deallocates resources that had been allocated to solve the ILP problem.
destroyProblem() - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Deallocates resources that had been allocated to solve the ILP problem.
destroyProblem() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Deallocates resources that had been allocated to solve the ILP problem.
Do - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
A pseudo-node that represents the do keyword, used only for visualizing a control flow tree.
Do(Tree, int, Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Do
Creates a new Do object.
DOTWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Exports a control flow graph to DOT format.
DOTWriter(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.DOTWriter
Creates a new DOTWriter object.
DOTWriter(Graph, VertexIDProvider, VertexLabelProvider, EdgeIDProvider, EdgeLabelProvider) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.DOTWriter
Creates a new DOTWriter object.
DoWhileLoop - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents do-while loops in control flow graphs and trees.
DoWhileLoop(Tree, int, Node, LoopBlock, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.DoWhileLoop
Creates a new DoWhileLoop object.
DualMethodCacheStrategy - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache
Performs simple cache hit analysis based on a dual-method cache configuration.
DualMethodCacheStrategy() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.DualMethodCacheStrategy


Edge - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents edges between nodes in a control flow graph.
Edge() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Edge
edgeIDProvider - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
EdgeIDProvider - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Generates unique IDs for edges in a control flow graph.
EdgeIDProvider() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.EdgeIDProvider
edgeLabelProvider - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
EdgeLabelProvider - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Generates descriptive labels for edges in a control flow graph.
EdgeLabelProvider(EdgeNameProvider<Edge>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.EdgeLabelProvider
Creates a new EdgeLabelProvider object using the given ID provider as a backup.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade
Contains the primary Cascade classes.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Models the elements of Java source code.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Provides a control flow graph (CFG) data structure and various CFG file exporters.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
Provides a control flow tree (CFT) data structure and various CFT file exporters.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util
edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra
Contains the primary Clepsydra classes.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache
Provides an interface to the instruction cache model for a Java processor.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet
Provides interfaces to integer linear programming (ILP) solvers and an implementation of the implicit path enumeration technique (IPET).
edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop
Helps determine maximum loop bounds during WCET analysis.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing
Provides an interface to the timing properties of a Java processor.
edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree - package edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree
Implements tree-based WCET analysis and provides file exporters for control flow trees.
Else - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
A pseudo-node that represents the else keyword, used only for visualizing a control flow tree.
Else(Tree, int, Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Else
Creates a new Else object.
Entry - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents the single entry point in control flow graphs.
Entry(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Entry
Creates a new Entry object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Compares this graph to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Compares this tree to the specified object.
Exit - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents the single exit point in control flow graphs.
Exit(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Exit
Creates a new Exit object.


FalseBranch - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents the "not-taken" branch in outgoing edges of branching nodes (e.g., if-then-else, loops) in a control flow graph.
FalseBranch() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.FalseBranch
ForLoop - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents for loops in control flow graphs and trees.
ForLoop(Tree, int, Node, LoopBlock, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
Creates a new ForLoop object.


getAddress() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.UnknownLoopBoundException
Returns the bytecode offset of the loop whose bound could not be determined.
getBackAnnotations(Method, String, InstructionTimingStrategy, LoopBoundStrategy, MethodCacheStrategy) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
Returns a mapping between source code and WCET timings.
getBasicBlocks() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the set of vertices in this CFG, excluding the entry and exit vertices.
getBlock() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns a handle to the corresponding JODE object representing this node.
getBody() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
Returns the control flow of the loop body, or null if the loop body is empty.
getBound(Loop) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.AnnotationLoopBoundStrategy
Determines the maximum number of iterations for the loop (for, while, or do-while) located at the given bytecode address.
getBound(Loop) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.LoopBoundStrategy
Determines the maximum number of iterations for the loop (for, while, or do-while) located at the given bytecode address.
getBytecode(Method) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns a list of the bytecode instructions for the given method.
getCallerTree() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns a handle to the control flow tree that invoked this control flow tree.
getClassForName(String, List<String>) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns a Class object corresponding to the given class name.
getClassInfo(Method, List<String>) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Creates a JODE ClassInfo object corresponding to the given method.
getClassLoaderForClassPath(List<String>) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns a ClassLoader that will only load classes only from a given class path.
getClassPath() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Returns the class path that was specified when the Cascade object was created.
getClassPath() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the class path that was specified when the underlying control flow tree was created.
getClassPath() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the class path that was specified when the tree was created.
getClassPath() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
Returns the class path that was specified when the Clepsydra object was created.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Returns the human-friendly name for the specified column in the ILP equation matrix, if one was set.
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Returns the human-friendly name for the specified column in the ILP equation matrix, if one was set.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Returns the human-friendly name for the specified column in the ILP equation matrix, if one was set.
getCondition() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Returns the conditional expression of the if-then-else construct (e.g., i<10)
getCondition() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
Returns the conditional expression of the loop (e.g., i<10)
getControlFlowGraph(Method) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Constructs a control flow graph representing the given Java method.
getControlFlowGraph(Tree) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Constructs a control flow graph representing a Java method.
getControlFlowGraph(Tree, boolean) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Constructs a control flow graph representing a Java method.
getControlFlowGraphs(Tree) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Returns a set of control flow graphs for the given tree, all methods that it invokes, all methods that they invoke, and so on.
getControlFlowTree(Method) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Constructs a control flow tree representing the given Java method.
getControlFlowTrees(Method) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
Returns a set of control flow trees for the given method, all methods that it invokes, all methods that they invoke, and so on.
getCycles(Instruction) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.InstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given Java bytecode instruction.
getCycles(InvokeInstruction, boolean, int) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.InstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given invocation instruction.
getCycles(InvokeInstruction) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.InstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given invocation instruction.
getCycles(ReturnInstruction, boolean, int) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.InstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given return instruction.
getCycles(Instruction) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.JOPInstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given Java bytecode instruction.
getCycles(InvokeInstruction, boolean, int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.JOPInstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given invocation instruction.
getCycles(InvokeInstruction) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.JOPInstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given invocation instruction.
getCycles(ReturnInstruction, boolean, int) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.JOPInstructionTimingStrategy
Returns the number of cycles required to execute the given return instruction.
getDocument() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Returns an XML document interface representing the entire SVG tree.
getEdgeName(Edge) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.EdgeLabelProvider
Generates a label corresponding to the given edge of a control flow graph.
getElse() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Returns a control flow node representing the "else" part of the if-then-else construct.
getEnclosingLoop() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns a handle to the node's enclosing loop, if one exists.
getEntry() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the entry point of this CFG.
getExit() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the exit point of this CFG.
getExpression() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Statement
Returns the statement's expression.
getExternalIncomingEdges() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.LoopBlock
Returns the set of outgoing edges that lead to this block but are not part of the body of the loop.
getFirstInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.DoWhileLoop
getFirstInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
getFirstInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
getGoto() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
Returns a handle to the goto instruction that is executed immediately after the for loop's increment expression.
getGoto() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Returns a Goto node representing the goto instruction that jumps over the "else" part in if-then-else constructs.
getGoto() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.WhileLoop
Returns a handle to the goto instruction that is executed at the end of the loop body in order to return control to the top of the loop.
getGraph() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Vertex
Returns the control flow graph to which this vertex belongs.
getHits() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.MethodCacheStrategy.HitRatio
getIncrStatement() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
Returns the increment statement of the for loop.
getInitStatement() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
Returns the intialization statement of the for loop.
getInstruction() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.UnknownTimingException
Returns the bytecode instruction whose cycle count could not be determined.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Do
Returns the list of instructions that correspond to this control flow node.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Else
Returns the list of instructions that correspond to this control flow node.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Goto
Returns a one-element list containing the goto instruction represented by this node.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the list of instructions that correspond to this control flow node.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
Returns the list of instructions represented by this basic block.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the complete list of instructions that correspond to this tree's method.
getInternalOutgoingEdges() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.LoopBlock
Returns the set of outgoing edges that lead from this block into the body of the loop.
getInvokedTree(InstructionHandle) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns a control flow tree representing the method that the given invocation instruction invokes.
getInvokeHitRatio(InvokeInstruction, Node, LoopBoundStrategy) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.DualMethodCacheStrategy
Returns the cache hit ratio for the given invoke instruction.
getInvokeHitRatio(InvokeInstruction, Node, LoopBoundStrategy) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.MethodCacheStrategy
Returns the cache hit ratio for the given invoke instruction.
getInvokeHitRatio(InvokeInstruction, Node, LoopBoundStrategy) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.SingleMethodCacheStrategy
Returns the cache hit ratio for the given invoke instruction.
getInvokeInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.MethodInvocation
Returns a handle to the instruction that invokes this method.
getInvokeInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Invoke
Returns the bytecode instruction that this block represents.
getInvokeInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.InvokeMiss
Returns the bytecode instruction that this block's corresponding Invoke block represents.
getInvokeMiss() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Invoke
Returns the block that control flows to if the invocation results in a cache miss.
getInvokingField() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.MethodInvocation
Returns the invoking field, if applicable.
getInvokingField() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns a handle to the field that was used to invoke this control flow tree.
getLastInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
getLastInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
getLastInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
getLastInstruction() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.WhileLoop
getLoopBlock(Loop) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Searches the graph for the loop block corresponding to the given loop node.
getMessage() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.UnknownLineNumberException
Returns a message describing the exception.
getMessage() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.NotImplementedException
Returns a message describing the exception.
getMessage() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.UnknownLoopBoundException
Returns a message describing the exception.
getMessage() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.UnknownTimingException
Returns a message describing the exception.
getMessage() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.NotImplementedException
Returns a message describing the exception.
getMethod() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.MethodInvocation
Returns the invoked method.
getMethod() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the method from which this control flow graph was constructed.
getMethod() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the method from which this control flow tree was constructed.
getMethod(String, List<String>) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns a Method object corresponding to the given method name.
getMethod(InvokeInstruction, Method, List<String>) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns a handle to the method invoked by the given invoke instruction.
getMethod(MethodInfo, ClassInfo) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Converts a JODE MethodInfo object to a standard Java method object.
getMethodGraphs() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns a list containing this graph and the graphs of any methods that it invokes
getMethodInfo(Method, ClassInfo) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Converts a standard Java method object to a JODE MethodInfo object.
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Returns the methods that the if's conditional expression invokes in the order in which they are invoked.
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
Returns the methods invoked by the loop's conditional expression in the order in which they are invoked.
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the methods that this node invokes in the order in which they are invoked.
getMethodInvocations(Operator) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ReturnStatement
Returns the methods that this statement invokes.
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Statement
Returns the methods that this statement invokes in the order in which they are invoked.
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the methods that this graph invokes.
getMethodInvocations() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the methods that this tree invokes.
getMethodInvocations(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the methods that the given node invokes.
getMethodSize(Method) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns the size, in bytes, of the given method.
getMisses() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.MethodCacheStrategy.HitRatio
getNext() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the next node in this node's scope (lexical level).
getNode() - Method in exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.UnknownLineNumberException
Returns the node whose line number could not be determined.
getNode() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
Returns the control flow tree node corresponding to this basic block.
getNodeBlockMap() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns a mapping from nodes in the control flow tree to their corresponding basic blocks in the control flow graph.
getOutermostLoop() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the outermost enclosing loop of this node.
getParent() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the parent of the given node.
getQualifiedName(Method) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns a fully qualified human-readble name of the given method.
getRootNode() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the node at the top of the control flow tree (the entry point).
getRootTree() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns the control flow tree at the top of the call graph.
getScope() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the lexical scope of this node.
getSignature(Class) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Given a handle to a Java class, this method returns the class's signature.
getSolution() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Solves the ILP problem and returns the result.
getSolution() - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Solves the ILP problem and returns the result.
getSolution() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Solves the ILP problem and returns the result.
getSourceCodeLine(Method, String) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util.ReflectionUtilities
Returns the line in the source code on which the given method was declared.
getSourceCodeLineNumber() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the line number of the source code on which this node begins.
getStartAddress() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
Returns the starting address, relative to the method, of this loop.
getStartAddress() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the address in the bytecode where this node begins.
getThen() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Returns a control flow node representing the "then" part of the if-then-else construct.
getTree() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns the control flow tree to which this node belongs.
getTree() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns the control flow tree from which this control flow graph was constructed.
getVertexAsHTML(Vertex) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.VertexLabelProvider
Returns an HTML representation of the vertex label,
getVertexName(Vertex) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.VertexIDProvider
Generates an ID corresponding to the given vertex of a control flow graph.
getVertexName(Vertex) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.VertexLabelProvider
Generates a label corresponding to the given vertex of a control flow graph.
getWCET(Tree, Graph) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.AnalysisStrategy
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given method.
getWCET(Method, AnalysisStrategy) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given method using the specifed analysis strategy.
getWCET(Tree, Graph, AnalysisStrategy) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of a method using the specifed analysis strategy.
getWCET(Tree, Graph) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.IPETAnalysisStrategy
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given method.
getWCET(Tree, Graph) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.TreeAnalysisStrategy
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given method.
getWCET(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.TreeAnalysisStrategy
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given node.
GLPKAdapter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet
Provides an implementation of the ILPSolver interface for the GNU Linear Programming Kit.
GLPKAdapter() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
GMLWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Exports a control flow graph to GML format.
GMLWriter(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GMLWriter
Creates a new GMLWriter object.
GMLWriter(Graph, VertexIDProvider, VertexLabelProvider, EdgeIDProvider, EdgeLabelProvider) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GMLWriter
Creates a new GMLWriter object.
Goto - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents goto instructions in a control flow tree.
Goto(Tree, int, Node, InstructionHandle) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Goto
Creates a new Goto object.
gotoNode - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
gotoNode - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
gotoNode - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.WhileLoop
graph - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
Graph - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
A control flow graph (CFG) of a Java method.
Graph(List<String>, Method) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Creates a new control flow graph.
Graph(List<String>, Method, Tree, Field, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Creates a new control flow graph.
Graph(Tree) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Creates a new control flow graph based on the given control flow tree.
Graph(Tree, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Creates a new control flow graph based on the given control flow tree.
graph - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Vertex
GraphMLWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Exports a control flow graph to GraphML format.
GraphMLWriter(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GraphMLWriter
Creates a new GraphMLWriter object.
GraphMLWriter(Graph, VertexIDProvider, VertexLabelProvider, EdgeIDProvider, EdgeLabelProvider) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GraphMLWriter
Creates a new GraphMLWriter object.
GraphWriter - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
An interface for exporting a control flow graph to various output formats.


hasBody() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
Returns true if the loop has a body.
hasElse() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Returns true if this is an if-then-else branch; returns false if this is an if-then branch.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns a hash code for this graph.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns a hash code for this tree.
hasNext() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeIterator
Returns true if this iterator has more nodes.


IfThenElse - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents if-then and if-then-else constructs in control flow graphs and trees.
IfThenElse(Tree, int, Node, IfThenElseBlock) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Creates a new if-then-else object.
IFTHENELSE_END_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
IFTHENELSE_START_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
ILPException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet
An exception indicating that the ILP solver encountered an error and could not continue.
ILPException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPException
Creates a new ILPException object.
ILPException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPException
Creates a new ILPException object.
ILPException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPException
Creates a new ILPException object.
ILPSolver - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet
A common interface to integer linear programming libraries such as GLPK and lp_solve.
INDENT_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
instructions - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
instructions - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
InstructionTimingStrategy - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing
A common interface for modeling the timing behavior of a microprocessor.
Invoke - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
A basic block representing an instruction invocation.
Invoke(Graph, Node, InstructionHandle, InvokeMiss) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Invoke
Creates a new Invoke object.
InvokeMiss - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents an instruction cache miss when invoking a method.
InvokeMiss(Graph, Node, InvokeInstruction) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.InvokeMiss
Creates a new InvokeMiss object.
IPETAnalysisStrategy - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet
This WCET analysis strategy formulates the analysis as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem and uses a standard ILP solver to compute the solution.
IPETAnalysisStrategy(ILPSolver, InstructionTimingStrategy, LoopBoundStrategy, MethodCacheStrategy, File) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.IPETAnalysisStrategy
Creates a new IPETAnalysisStrategy object.
IPETAnalysisStrategy(ILPSolver, InstructionTimingStrategy, LoopBoundStrategy, MethodCacheStrategy) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.IPETAnalysisStrategy
Creates a new IPETAnalysisStrategy object.
isReturn() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
Returns whether this basic block contains a return instruction.
isReturnHit(ReturnStatement) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.DualMethodCacheStrategy
Returns true if the given return statement is guaranteed to result in a method cache hit.
isReturnHit(ReturnStatement) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.MethodCacheStrategy
Returns true if the given return statement is guaranteed to result in a method cache hit.
isReturnHit(ReturnStatement) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.SingleMethodCacheStrategy
Returns true if the given return statement is guaranteed to result in a method cache hit.
iterator() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Returns an iterator that iterates over this node and all of its children.
iterator() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns an iterator that will walk through every node of this control flow tree.


JOPInstructionTimingStrategy - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing
Provides a model of the timing behavior for the Java Optimized Processor (JOP).
JOPInstructionTimingStrategy() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.JOPInstructionTimingStrategy
Creates a new JOPInstructionTimingStrategy object.


lastNode() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
This helper function walks this node's scope (lexical level) and returns the last one it sees.
LEFT_MARGIN - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
LEFT_TEXT_MARGIN - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
load(List<String>, Method, Tree, Field) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Creates a new control flow tree.
Loop - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
A base class to represent loop constructs in control flow graphs and trees.
Loop(Tree, int, Node, LoopBlock, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
Creates a new Loop object.
LOOP_END_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
LOOP_START_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
LoopBlock - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
A base class that represents the start of a loop.
LoopBlock(Graph, Node, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.LoopBlock
Creates a new LoopBlock object.
LoopBound - Annotation Type in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop
This annotation is designed for loop constructs.
LoopBoundStrategy - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop
A common interface for various loop bound analysis strategies.
LPSolveAdapter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet
Provides an implementation of the ILPSolver interface for lp_solve.
LPSolveAdapter() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.Cascade
An entry point for invoking Cascade from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.Clepsydra
An entry point for invoking Clepsydra from the command line.
MethodCacheStrategy - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache
A common interface for various method cache analysis strategies.
MethodCacheStrategy.HitRatio - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache
A simple encapsulation of a cache hit ratio.
MethodCacheStrategy.HitRatio(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.MethodCacheStrategy.HitRatio
Creates a new hit ratio object.
MethodInvocation - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
A container for information about a method invocation.
MethodInvocation(Method, Field, InstructionHandle) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.MethodInvocation
Creates a new MethodInvocation object.


next() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeIterator
Returns the next node in the iteration.
nextNode - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Node - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
A base class for source code constructs in control flow graphs and trees.
Node(Tree, int, Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
node - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
NotImplementedException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
An exception that is thrown when an unexpected or unsupported node is encountered when creating or parsing a control flow tree.
NotImplementedException(Node) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.NotImplementedException
Creates a new NotImplementedException object.
NotImplementedException(StructuredBlock) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.NotImplementedException
Creates a new NotImplementedException object.
NotImplementedException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree
An exception that is thrown when an unexpected or unsupported control flow node is encountered when computing the WCET.
NotImplementedException(Node) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.NotImplementedException
Creates a new NotImplementedException object.


parent - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
PSEUDONODE_END_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
PSEUDONODE_START_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter


RECTANGLE_CORNER_RADIUS - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
RECTANGLE_STYLE - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
RECTANGLE_VERTICAL_SPACING - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
RECTANGLE_WIDTH - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
ReflectionUtilities - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.util
A collection of helper methods for Java reflection.
remove() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeIterator
Not supported.
RETURN_END_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
RETURN_START_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
ReturnMiss - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents an instruction cache miss when returning to a method.
ReturnMiss(Graph, Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.ReturnMiss
Creates a new ReturnMiss object.
ReturnStatement - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents return statements in control flow graphs and trees.
ReturnStatement(Tree, int, Node, ReturnBlock, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ReturnStatement
Creates a new ReturnStatement object.


saveModel(String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Saves a representation of the ILP problem to disk.
saveModel(String) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Saves a representation of the ILP problem to disk.
saveModel(String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Saves a representation of the ILP problem to disk.
scope - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
setBody(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.DoWhileLoop
Sets the body of the loop.
setBody(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Loop
Sets the body of the loop.
setBody(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.WhileLoop
Sets the body of the loop.
setColumnName(int, String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Provides a human-friendly name for the specified column in the ILP equation matrix.
setColumnName(int, String) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Provides a human-friendly name for the specified column in the ILP equation matrix.
setColumnName(int, String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Provides a human-friendly name for the specified column in the ILP equation matrix.
setElse(Node, List<InstructionHandle>) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Sets the "else" part of the if-then-else construct
setMaximizeFunction(double[]) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.GLPKAdapter
Provides the ILP solver with an equation to maximize.
setMaximizeFunction(double[]) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.ILPSolver
Provides the ILP solver with an equation to maximize.
setMaximizeFunction(double[]) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.ipet.LPSolveAdapter
Provides the ILP solver with an equation to maximize.
setNext(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Sets the next node in this node's scope (lexical level).
setShowInstructions(boolean) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
Tells whether the string representations of the nodes should include a list of the node's bytecode instructions.
setShowInstructions(boolean) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeWriter
Tells whether the string representations of the nodes should include a list of the node's bytecode instructions.
setThen(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Sets the "then" part of the if-then-else construct.
showInstructions - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
SingleMethodCacheStrategy - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache
Performs cache hit analysis based on a single-method cache configuration.
SingleMethodCacheStrategy() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.SingleMethodCacheStrategy
Statement - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents simple statements (e.g., i = x + y) in control flow graphs and trees.
Statement(Tree, int, Node, InstructionContainer, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Statement
Creates a new Statement object.
STATEMENT_END_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
STATEMENT_START_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
SVGTreeWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
Exports a control flow tree to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
SVGTreeWriter(Tree) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Creates a new SVGTreeWriter object for the given control flow tree.
SVGTreeWriter(Tree, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Creates a new SVGTreeWriter object for the given control flow tree.
SVGTreeWriter(List<Tree>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Creates a new SVGTreeWriter object for the given control flow trees.
SVGTreeWriter(List<Tree>, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Creates a new SVGTreeWriter object for the given control flow trees.
SVGTreeWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree
Exports a control flow tree to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
SVGTreeWriter(Tree, TreeAnalysisStrategy) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Creates a new SVGTreeWriter object for the given control flow tree.
SVGTreeWriter(Tree, TreeAnalysisStrategy, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Creates a new SVGTreeWriter object for the given control flow tree.
SVGTreeWriter.Color - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
SVGTreeWriter.Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter.Color


TEXT_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TEXT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TEXT_NEXT_LINE_COLOR - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TEXT_NEXT_LINE_INDENT - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TEXT_NEXT_LINE_STYLE - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TEXT_STYLE - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TextTreeWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
Exports a control flow tree to plain text format.
TextTreeWriter(Tree) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TextTreeWriter
Creates a new TextTreeWriter object for the given control flow tree.
TextTreeWriter(List<Tree>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TextTreeWriter
Creates a new TextTreeWriter object for the given control flow trees.
TextTreeWriter - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree
Exports a control flow tree to plain text format.
TextTreeWriter(Tree, TreeAnalysisStrategy) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.TextTreeWriter
Creates a new TextTreeWriter object for the given control flow tree.
TOP_MARGIN - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
TOP_TEXT_MARGIN - Static variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Do
Converts the node to a string representation
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.DoWhileLoop
Converts the do-while loop to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Else
Converts the node to a string representation
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ForLoop
Converts the for loop to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Goto
Converts the goto node to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.IfThenElse
Converts the if-then-else construct to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.ReturnStatement
Converts the if-then-else construct to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Statement
Converts the statement to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.WhileLoop
Converts the while loop to a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.BasicBlock
Converts the basic block to a string representation
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.CacheMiss
Converts the block to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Entry
Converts the entry node to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Exit
Converts the exit node to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
Returns a simple one-line string describing the method represented by this graph.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter.Color
toString(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TextTreeWriter
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
Returns a simple one-line string describing the method represented by this tree.
toString() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.cache.MethodCacheStrategy.HitRatio
toString(Node) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.TextTreeWriter
tree - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.Node
Tree - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
A control flow tree of a Java method or part of a Java method.
TreeAnalysisStrategy - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree
This analysis strategy computes the WCET by recursively descending the control flow tree and summing the timing of each node.
TreeAnalysisStrategy(InstructionTimingStrategy, LoopBoundStrategy, MethodCacheStrategy) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.TreeAnalysisStrategy
Creates a new TreeAnalysisStrategy object.
TreeIterator - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
Iterates over the nodes of a control flow tree.
TreeIterator(Node) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeIterator
Creates a new TreeIterator object starting at the given node.
trees - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
TreeWriter - Interface in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree
An interface for exporting a control flow tree to various output formats.
TrueBranch - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents the "taken" branch in outgoing edges of branching nodes (e.g., if-then-else, loops) in a control flow graph.
TrueBranch() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.TrueBranch


UnknownLineNumberException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
An exception indicating that the line of source code on which a given node begins could not be determined.
UnknownLineNumberException(Node) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.UnknownLineNumberException
Creates a new UnknownLineNumberException object.
UnknownLineNumberException(Node, String) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.UnknownLineNumberException
Creates a new UnknownLineNumberException object.
UnknownLoopBoundException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop
An exception indicating that the iteration bound for a loop could not be determined.
UnknownLoopBoundException(int) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.UnknownLoopBoundException
Creates a new UnknownLoopBoundException object.
UnknownLoopBoundException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.UnknownLoopBoundException
Creates a new UnknownLoopBoundException object.
UnknownLoopBoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.loop.UnknownLoopBoundException
Creates a new UnknownLoopBoundException object.
UnknownTimingException - Exception in edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing
An exception indicating that the cycle count for a Java bytecode instruction could not be determined.
UnknownTimingException(Instruction) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.UnknownTimingException
Creates a new UnknownTimingException object.
UnknownTimingException(Instruction, Exception) - Constructor for exception edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.timing.UnknownTimingException
Creates a new UnknownTimingException object.


Vertex - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Represents vertices in a control flow graph.
Vertex(Graph) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Vertex
Creates a new Vertex object.
vertexIDProvider - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
VertexIDProvider - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Generates unique IDs for vertices in a control flow graph.
VertexIDProvider() - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.VertexIDProvider
vertexLabelProvider - Variable in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
VertexLabelProvider - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph
Generates descriptive labels for vertices in a control flow graph.
VertexLabelProvider(VertexNameProvider<Vertex>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.VertexLabelProvider
Creates a new VertexLabelProvider object using the given ID provider as a backup.


WhileLoop - Class in edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow
Represents while loops in control flow graphs and trees.
WhileLoop(Tree, int, Node, LoopBlock, List<InstructionHandle>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow.WhileLoop
Creates a new WhileLoop object.
write(String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified file.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.AbstractGraphWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified output stream.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.DOTWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified output stream.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GMLWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified output stream.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GraphMLWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified output stream.
write(String) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GraphWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified file.
write(Writer) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.GraphWriter
Exports the control flow graph to the specified output stream.
write() - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
Prints the control flow tree to standard output (System.out).
write(String) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
Exports the control flow tree to the specified file.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.AbstractTreeWriter
Exports the control flow tree to the specified output stream.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
Exports the control flow tree to the specified output stream.
write(Writer) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TextTreeWriter
Exports the control flow tree to the specified output stream.
write() - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeWriter
Prints the control flow tree to standard output (System.out).
write(String) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeWriter
Exports the control flow tree to the specified file.
write(Writer) - Method in interface edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.TreeWriter
Exports the control flow tree to the specified output stream.
writeRect(Node, int, int, SVGTreeWriter.Color, SVGTreeWriter.Color, SVGDocument, Element) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.SVGTreeWriter
writeRect(Node, int, int, SVGTreeWriter.Color, SVGTreeWriter.Color, SVGDocument, Element) - Method in class edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.SVGTreeWriter