Class Graph

  extended by org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractGraph<V,E>
      extended by org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractBaseGraph<V,E>
          extended by org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph<Vertex,Edge>
              extended by edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.graph.Graph
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, DirectedGraph<Vertex,Edge>, Graph<Vertex,Edge>

public class Graph
extends DefaultDirectedGraph<Vertex,Edge>

A control flow graph (CFG) of a Java method.

Trevor Harmon
See Also:
Tree, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Graph(List<String> classPath, Method method)
          Creates a new control flow graph.
Graph(List<String> classPath, Method method, Tree caller, Field invokingField, boolean includeCacheMissBlocks)
          Creates a new control flow graph.
Graph(Tree tree)
          Creates a new control flow graph based on the given control flow tree.
Graph(Tree tree, boolean includeCacheMissBlocks)
          Creates a new control flow graph based on the given control flow tree.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares this graph to the specified object.
 Set<BasicBlock> getBasicBlocks()
          Returns the set of vertices in this CFG, excluding the entry and exit vertices.
 List<String> getClassPath()
          Returns the class path that was specified when the underlying control flow tree was created.
 Entry getEntry()
          Returns the entry point of this CFG.
 Exit getExit()
          Returns the exit point of this CFG.
 LoopBlock getLoopBlock(Loop loop)
          Searches the graph for the loop block corresponding to the given loop node.
 Method getMethod()
          Returns the method from which this control flow graph was constructed.
 List<Graph> getMethodGraphs()
          Returns a list containing this graph and the graphs of any methods that it invokes
 Set<Method> getMethodInvocations()
          Returns the methods that this graph invokes.
 Map<Node,Set<BasicBlock>> getNodeBlockMap()
          Returns a mapping from nodes in the control flow tree to their corresponding basic blocks in the control flow graph.
 Tree getTree()
          Returns the control flow tree from which this control flow graph was constructed.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code for this graph.
 String toString()
          Returns a simple one-line string describing the method represented by this graph.
Methods inherited from class org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractBaseGraph
addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, clone, containsEdge, containsVertex, degreeOf, edgeSet, edgesOf, getAllEdges, getEdge, getEdgeFactory, getEdgeSource, getEdgeTarget, getEdgeWeight, incomingEdgesOf, inDegreeOf, isAllowingLoops, isAllowingMultipleEdges, outDegreeOf, outgoingEdgesOf, removeEdge, removeEdge, removeVertex, setEdgeSetFactory, setEdgeWeight, vertexSet
Methods inherited from class org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractGraph
assertVertexExist, containsEdge, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllVertices, toStringFromSets
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph
incomingEdgesOf, inDegreeOf, outDegreeOf, outgoingEdgesOf
Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.Graph
addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, containsEdge, containsEdge, containsVertex, edgeSet, edgesOf, getAllEdges, getEdge, getEdgeFactory, getEdgeSource, getEdgeTarget, getEdgeWeight, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllVertices, removeEdge, removeEdge, removeVertex, vertexSet

Constructor Detail


public Graph(List<String> classPath,
             Method method)
      throws IOException,
Creates a new control flow graph. A new Tree object will be created to build the graph; therefore, if a Tree object has already been created for the given method, do not use this constructor. Use the Graph(Tree) constructor instead.

classPath - a list of directories that will be searched when loading classes during control flow construction
method - the method whose control flow graph should be created
IOException - if the method cannot be loaded
NoSuchMethodException - if the method cannot be found or if a method that it calls cannot be found
ClassNotFoundException - if the method calls another method and its class cannot be found
See Also:


public Graph(List<String> classPath,
             Method method,
             Tree caller,
             Field invokingField,
             boolean includeCacheMissBlocks)
      throws IOException,
Creates a new control flow graph. A new Tree object will be created to build the graph; therefore, if a Tree object has already been created for the given method, do not use this constructor. Use the Graph(Tree) constructor instead.

classPath - a list of directories that will be searched when loading classes during control flow construction
method - the method whose control flow graph should be created
includeCacheMissBlocks - if true, every method invocation is preceded by an InvokeMiss block and every return instruction by a ReturnMiss block; if false, no such blocks appear in the graph
IOException - if the method cannot be loaded
NoSuchMethodException - if the method cannot be found or if a method that it calls cannot be found
ClassNotFoundException - if the method calls another method and its class cannot be found
See Also:


public Graph(Tree tree)
      throws NoSuchMethodException,
Creates a new control flow graph based on the given control flow tree.

tree - a control flow tree to be used as the basis of the CFG
NoSuchMethodException - if the method calls another method and it cannot be found
ClassNotFoundException - if the method calls another method and its class cannot be found
IOException - if the method calls another method and it cannot be loaded


public Graph(Tree tree,
             boolean includeCacheMissBlocks)
      throws NoSuchMethodException,
Creates a new control flow graph based on the given control flow tree.

tree - a control flow tree to be used as the basis of the CFG
includeCacheMissBlocks - if true, every method invocation is preceded by an InvokeMiss block and every return instruction by a ReturnMiss block; if false, no such blocks appear in the graph
NoSuchMethodException - if the method calls another method and it cannot be found
ClassNotFoundException - if the method calls another method and its class cannot be found
IOException - if the method calls another method and it cannot be loaded
Method Detail


public Tree getTree()
Returns the control flow tree from which this control flow graph was constructed.

the control flow tree used as the basis for this CFG


public Method getMethod()
Returns the method from which this control flow graph was constructed.

the Java method that this graph represents


public List<String> getClassPath()
Returns the class path that was specified when the underlying control flow tree was created.

a list of directories


public Set<Method> getMethodInvocations()
Returns the methods that this graph invokes.

a set of Java method handles, or an empty set if this graph does not invoke any methods


public Entry getEntry()
Returns the entry point of this CFG.

an entry vertex


public Exit getExit()
Returns the exit point of this CFG.

an exit vertex


public Set<BasicBlock> getBasicBlocks()
Returns the set of vertices in this CFG, excluding the entry and exit vertices. The set also includes the basic blocks of methods that are invoked by this method.

a set of CFG basic blocks


public Map<Node,Set<BasicBlock>> getNodeBlockMap()
Returns a mapping from nodes in the control flow tree to their corresponding basic blocks in the control flow graph. The mapping does not include the nodes in any invoked methods.

a mapping of nodes to basic blocks


public List<Graph> getMethodGraphs()
Returns a list containing this graph and the graphs of any methods that it invokes

a list of control flow graphs


public LoopBlock getLoopBlock(Loop loop)
Searches the graph for the loop block corresponding to the given loop node.

loop - a loop node
the corresponding loop block for the node, or null if it cannot be found


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this graph to the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is a Graph object whose underlying tree is equivalent to this graph's underlying tree.

equals in class Object
obj - the object to compare this graph against
true if the given object represents a graph equivalent to this graph; false otherwise


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this graph. The hash code is identical to the hash code of the graph's underlying tree.

hashCode in class Object
a hash code for this graph


public String toString()
Returns a simple one-line string describing the method represented by this graph.

toString in class AbstractGraph<Vertex,Edge>
a string representation of this graph