Class Tree

  extended by edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.tree.Tree
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Tree
extends Object
implements Iterable<Node>

A control flow tree of a Java method or part of a Java method. This data structure is nearly identical to a control flow graph (CFG), but having a tree structure, it can be parsed more easily and can be displayed in a manner that closely resembles the original source code structure.

Trevor Harmon

Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares this tree to the specified object.
 Tree getCallerTree()
          Returns a handle to the control flow tree that invoked this control flow tree.
 List<String> getClassPath()
          Returns the class path that was specified when the tree was created.
 List<InstructionHandle> getInstructions()
          Returns the complete list of instructions that correspond to this tree's method.
 Tree getInvokedTree(InstructionHandle instructionHandle)
          Returns a control flow tree representing the method that the given invocation instruction invokes.
 Field getInvokingField()
          Returns a handle to the field that was used to invoke this control flow tree.
 Method getMethod()
          Returns the method from which this control flow tree was constructed.
 Set<Method> getMethodInvocations()
          Returns the methods that this tree invokes.
 Set<Method> getMethodInvocations(Node startNode)
          Returns the methods that the given node invokes.
 Node getRootNode()
          Returns the node at the top of the control flow tree (the entry point).
 Tree getRootTree()
          Returns the control flow tree at the top of the call graph.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code for this tree.
 Iterator<Node> iterator()
          Returns an iterator that will walk through every node of this control flow tree.
static Tree load(List<String> classPath, Method method, Tree callerTree, Field invokingField)
          Creates a new control flow tree.
 String toString()
          Returns a simple one-line string describing the method represented by this tree.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Tree load(List<String> classPath,
                        Method method,
                        Tree callerTree,
                        Field invokingField)
                 throws IOException,
Creates a new control flow tree. This static factory method implements a cache mechanism so that the same tree isn't regenerated over and over again. It assumes that Tree objects are immutable.

classPath - a list of directories that will be searched when loading classes during control flow construction
method - the method whose control flow tree should be created
callerTree - a control flow tree that invoked this tree (or null if this is the root tree)
invokingField - the field used to invoke this tree (or null if no field was used)
IOException - if the method cannot be loaded
NoSuchMethodException - if the method cannot be found
ClassNotFoundException - if a class in the control flow cannot be loaded


public Node getRootNode()
Returns the node at the top of the control flow tree (the entry point).

the root of the tree


public Tree getRootTree()
Returns the control flow tree at the top of the call graph. For example, given the following code:
 void methodA() {
 void methodB() {
 void methodC() {}
This method will return A's control flow tree if invoked on a tree representing method B or C.

a control flow tree


public Method getMethod()
Returns the method from which this control flow tree was constructed.

the Java method that this tree represents


public Tree getCallerTree()
Returns a handle to the control flow tree that invoked this control flow tree.

a control flow tree, or null if this tree was not invoked by another tree


public Field getInvokingField()
Returns a handle to the field that was used to invoke this control flow tree. For example, if a class contains a field called myField, and this tree was invoked with the expression myField.myMethod(), then this method will return a handle to myField. Returns null if this tree was invoked without using a field (e.g., a local variable).

a handle to the field used to invoke this method, or null if no field was used


public List<String> getClassPath()
Returns the class path that was specified when the tree was created.

a list of directories


public Set<Method> getMethodInvocations()
Returns the methods that this tree invokes.

a set of Java method handles, or an empty set if this tree does not invoke any methods


public Set<Method> getMethodInvocations(Node startNode)
Returns the methods that the given node invokes. Unlike Node.getMethodInvocations(), the returned set includes method invocations in sub-scopes. For example, consider the following code:
 if (isAvailable())
Calling Node.getMethodInvocations() on this if-then-else node would return only isAvailable(). However, if Tree.getMethodInvocations() were called with the if-then-else node as a parameter, the returned set would include both isAvailable() and requestMessage().

startNode - a node in a control flow tree
a set of Java method handles, or an empty set if this node does not invoke any methods


public Tree getInvokedTree(InstructionHandle instructionHandle)
Returns a control flow tree representing the method that the given invocation instruction invokes.

instructionHandle - a handle to an invocation instruction (instructionHandle.getInstruction() must be of type InvokeInstruction)
a control flow tree, or null if no tree corresponds to the given instruction


public List<InstructionHandle> getInstructions()
Returns the complete list of instructions that correspond to this tree's method.

a list of bytecode instructions


public Iterator<Node> iterator()
Returns an iterator that will walk through every node of this control flow tree.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<Node>
a control flow tree iterator


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this tree to the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is a Tree object for the same method that this tree represents.

equals in class Object
obj - the object to compare this tree against
true if the given object represents a tree equivalent to this tree; false otherwise


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this tree. The hash code is identical to the hashcode of the method that this tree represents.

hashCode in class Object
a hash code for this tree


public String toString()
Returns a simple one-line string describing the method represented by this tree.

toString in class Object
a string representation of this tree