Class TreeAnalysisStrategy

  extended by edu.uci.eecs.doc.clepsydra.tree.TreeAnalysisStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeAnalysisStrategy
extends Object
implements AnalysisStrategy

This analysis strategy computes the WCET by recursively descending the control flow tree and summing the timing of each node. When a branch is encountered, the maximum branch is used as the timing.

Trevor Harmon

Constructor Summary
TreeAnalysisStrategy(InstructionTimingStrategy instructionTimings, LoopBoundStrategy loopBounds, MethodCacheStrategy methodCache)
          Creates a new TreeAnalysisStrategy object.
Method Summary
 int getWCET(Node node)
          Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given node.
 int getWCET(Tree tree, Graph graph)
          Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TreeAnalysisStrategy(InstructionTimingStrategy instructionTimings,
                            LoopBoundStrategy loopBounds,
                            MethodCacheStrategy methodCache)
Creates a new TreeAnalysisStrategy object.

instructionTimings - a model of the temporal properties of the target CPU
loopBounds - a strategy for computing the upper bound on loops
methodCache - a strategy for modeling the method cache
Method Detail


public int getWCET(Tree tree,
                   Graph graph)
            throws UnknownTimingException,
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given method.

Specified by:
getWCET in interface AnalysisStrategy
tree - the control flow tree of the method
graph - this parameter is ignored
the WCET in CPU cycles
UnknownTimingException - if the method contains an instruction whose timing is unknown
UnknownLoopBoundException - if the method contains a loop whose upper bound cannot be determined


public int getWCET(Node node)
            throws UnknownTimingException,
Computes an upper bound on the WCET of the given node. The WCET value includes nodes in sub-scopes of the given node but not subsequent nodes in the same scope (lexical level). For example, if the method looks like this:
 if (i > 10)
     b = true;
     i >>= 8;
And the supplied node is i >>= 8, then the resulting WCET would include only i >>= 8. If, however, the supplied node is the if statement, then the resulting WCET would include the i > 10 condition as well as the entire body of the if statement.

node - the node whose WCET is to be computed
the WCET in CPU cycles
UnknownTimingException - if the node contains an instruction whose timing is unknown
UnknownLoopBoundException - if the node contains a loop whose upper bound cannot be determined