Package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow

Models the elements of Java source code.


Class Summary
Do A pseudo-node that represents the do keyword, used only for visualizing a control flow tree.
DoWhileLoop Represents do-while loops in control flow graphs and trees.
Else A pseudo-node that represents the else keyword, used only for visualizing a control flow tree.
ForLoop Represents for loops in control flow graphs and trees.
Goto Represents goto instructions in a control flow tree.
IfThenElse Represents if-then and if-then-else constructs in control flow graphs and trees.
Loop A base class to represent loop constructs in control flow graphs and trees.
MethodInvocation A container for information about a method invocation.
Node A base class for source code constructs in control flow graphs and trees.
ReturnStatement Represents return statements in control flow graphs and trees.
Statement Represents simple statements (e.g., i = x + y) in control flow graphs and trees.
WhileLoop Represents while loops in control flow graphs and trees.

Exception Summary
UnknownLineNumberException An exception indicating that the line of source code on which a given node begins could not be determined.

Package edu.uci.eecs.doc.cascade.controlflow Description

Models the elements of Java source code.