Class ClassPath

  extended by net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassPath

public class ClassPath
extends Object

A path in which class files are searched for. Class files can be loaded from several different locations, these locations can be:

We use standard java means to find a class file: package correspond to directories and the class file must have the .class extension. For example if the class path points to /home/java, the class java.lang.Object is loaded from /home/java/java/lang/Object.class. Of course you can write your own ClassPath.Locations that break this rule. A class path can have another ClassPath as fallback. If ClassInfo.loadInfo is called and the class isn't found the fallback ClassPath is searched instead. This repeats until there is no further fallback. The fallback is not used when listing classes or files. The main method for creating classes is getClassInfo(java.lang.String). The other available methods are useful to find other files in the ClassPath and to get a listing of all available files and classes. A ClassPath handles some IOExceptions and SecurityExceptions skipping the path that produced them.

Jochen Hoenicke

Nested Class Summary
static class ClassPath.Location
          A location is a single component of the ClassPath.
Field Summary
static char altPathSeparatorChar
          We need a different pathSeparatorChar, since ':' (used for UNIX systems) is also used as protocol separator in URLs.
Constructor Summary
ClassPath(ClassPath.Location[] locs)
          Creates a new class path for the given path.
ClassPath(ClassPath.Location[] locs, ClassPath fallback)
          Creates a new class path for the given path.
ClassPath(String path)
          Creates a new class path for the given path.
ClassPath(String[] paths)
          Creates a new class path for the given path.
ClassPath(String[] paths, ClassPath fallback)
          Creates a new class path for the given path.
ClassPath(String path, ClassPath fallback)
          Creates a new class path for the given path.
Method Summary
static ClassPath.Location createLocation(String path)
          Creates a location for a given path component.
 boolean existsClass(String classname)
          Checks, if a class with the given name exists somewhere in this path.
 boolean existsFile(String filename)
          Checks, if a file with the given name exists somewhere in this path.
 ClassInfo getClassInfo(String classname)
          Creates a new class info for a class residing in this search path.
 ClassInfo getClassInfoFromStream(InputStream stream)
          Creates a new class info from an input stream containing the bytecode.
 List<String> getClassPath()
 InputStream getFile(String filename)
          Searches for a file in the class path.
 boolean isDirectory(String filename)
          Searches for a filename in the class path and tells if it is a directory.
 boolean isPackage(String fqn)
          Searches for a filename in the class path and tells if it is a package.
 Enumeration listClassesAndPackages(String packageName)
          Get a list of all classes and packages in the given package.
 Enumeration listFiles(String dirName)
          Get a list of all files in a given directory.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this classpath.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final char altPathSeparatorChar
We need a different pathSeparatorChar, since ':' (used for UNIX systems) is also used as protocol separator in URLs.
We currently allow both pathSeparatorChar and altPathSeparatorChar and decide if it is a protocol separator by context. This doesn't always work, so use altPathSeparator, or better yet the ClassPath(String[]) or ClassPath(Location[]) constructors.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ClassPath(String[] paths,
                 ClassPath fallback)
Creates a new class path for the given path. See the class description for more information, which kind of paths are supported. When a class or a file is not found in the class path the fallback is used.

paths - An array of paths.
fallback - The fallback classpath.


public ClassPath(String[] paths)
Creates a new class path for the given path. See the class description for more information, which kind of paths are supported.

paths - An array of paths.


public ClassPath(ClassPath.Location[] locs,
                 ClassPath fallback)
Creates a new class path for the given path. When a class or a file is not found in the class path the fallback is used.

locs - An array of locations.
fallback - The fallback classpath.


public ClassPath(ClassPath.Location[] locs)
Creates a new class path for the given path.

locs - An array of locations.


public ClassPath(String path,
                 ClassPath fallback)
Creates a new class path for the given path. See the class description for more information, which kind of paths are supported.

path - One or more paths. They should be separated by the altPathSeparatorChar or pathSeparatorChar, but the latter is deprecated since it may give problems for UNIX machines.
See Also:
ClassPath(String[] paths)


public ClassPath(String path)
Creates a new class path for the given path. See the class description for more information, which kind of paths are supported.

path - One or more paths. They should be separated by the altPathSeparatorChar or pathSeparatorChar, but the latter is deprecated since it may give problems for UNIX machines.
See Also:
ClassPath(String[] paths)
Method Detail


public static ClassPath.Location createLocation(String path)
                                         throws IOException,
Creates a location for a given path component. See the class comment which path components are supported.

path - the path component.
a location corresponding to the class.
NullPointerException - if path is null.
IOException - if an io exception occured while accessing the path component.
SecurityException - if a security exception occured while accessing the path component.


public ClassInfo getClassInfo(String classname)
Creates a new class info for a class residing in this search path. This doesn't load the class immediately, this is done by ClassInfo.loadInfo. It is no error if class doesn't exists.
ClassInfos are guaranteed to be unique, i.e. if you have two ClsssInfo objects loaded from the same class path with the same classname they will always be identical. The only exception is if you use setName() or getClassInfoFromStream() and explicitly overwrite a previous class.

classname - the dot-separated full qualified name of the class. For inner classes you must use the bytecode name with $, e.g. java.util.Map$Entry.
IllegalArgumentException - if class name isn't valid.


public List<String> getClassPath()


public ClassInfo getClassInfoFromStream(InputStream stream)
                                 throws IOException,
Creates a new class info from an input stream containing the bytecode. This method is useful if you don't know the class name or if you have the class in an unusual location. The class is fully loaded (ClassInfo.ALL) when you use this method.
If a class with the same name was already created with getClassInfo() it will effectively be removed from the class path, although references to it may still exists elsewhere.

stream - the input stream containing the bytecode.
the ClassInfo representing this class.
IOException - if an io exception occurs.
ClassFormatException - if bytecode isn't valid.


public boolean existsClass(String classname)
Checks, if a class with the given name exists somewhere in this path.

classname - the class name.
IllegalArgumentException - if class name isn't valid.


public boolean existsFile(String filename)
Checks, if a file with the given name exists somewhere in this path.

filename - the file name.
See Also:


public InputStream getFile(String filename)
                    throws IOException
Searches for a file in the class path.

filename - the filename. The path components should be separated by "/".
An InputStream for the file.


public boolean isDirectory(String filename)
Searches for a filename in the class path and tells if it is a directory.

filename - the filename. The path components should be separated by "/".
true, if filename exists and is a directory, false otherwise.


public boolean isPackage(String fqn)
Searches for a filename in the class path and tells if it is a package. This is the same as isDirectory, but takes dot separated names.

fqn - the full qualified name. The components should be dot separated.
true, if filename exists and is a package, false otherwise.
See Also:


public Enumeration listFiles(String dirName)
Get a list of all files in a given directory.

dirName - the directory name. The path components must be separated by "/".
An enumeration with all files/directories in the given directory. If dirName doesn't denote a directory it returns null.


public Enumeration listClassesAndPackages(String packageName)
Get a list of all classes and packages in the given package.

packageName - a dot-separated package name.
An enumeration with all class/subpackages in the given package. If package doesn't denote a package it returns null.


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this classpath.

toString in class Object
a string useful for debugging purposes.